Sad Carrots Made Happy, and Other Roasted Vegetables

I’ve been reading through the massive Cook’s Illustrated Cookbook which I got from the library recently, and trying out various recipes.   They have such precise methods for how to cook things, and such interesting and well-tested reasons for doing so that it is always fun to see how their recipe work out.

I’m sure they would be much better made with fresher happier carrots but I want to use up some I’ve had in the fridge for too long.  I used my big beautiful liddded roasting pan, which was a christmas gift, and which I only get to use occasionally as we don’t cook things that big that often!

Roasted Carrots
other vegetables (I used brussel sprouts and a peeled cubed sweet potato)
2 tablespoons melted butter
salt and pepper
1 tsp thyme
garlic and/or onion powder, or peeled cloves of garlic

Peel and cut carrots into large pieces, toss with butter (and garlic cloves) and season  to taste.

Vegetables ready to go into the oven.

Place carrots and other vegetables,  in a roasting pan with a lid, or cover tightly with foil.  Bake at 425’F for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes of covered cooking, the vegetables are a bit softened and smelling lovely.

Remove lid/foil, stir, and bake uncovered for 30 more minutes.

Cooked vegetables, browned and crispy!

Result:  This is a great way to roast vegetables, and I’d use it for any!  The lid/cover cooking really helps to complete the cooking with great results.

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